Faction-Specific Endings: Each of the main multiplayer maps have a different ending cutscene for each side.Eye Scream: Conker accidentally electrocutes a soldier until his eyes pop out.After which, Conker hits the Gargoyle with a baseball bat, causing the Gargoyle to fall over and be Squashed Flat by a boulder. Instead he is unfazed by the frying pan, leading to some Lampshade Hanging. Dies Differently in Adaptation: The Gargoyle in the Hangover chapter doesn't fall off the bridge like he did in the original.Cyborg: The Tediz become this for the future part of multiplayer.Combat Commentator: The Squirrel High Command leader and Von Kripplespac are this for the Squirrel High Command and Tediz, respectively.Color-Coded Speech: The multiplayer characters have white subtitles compared to the original game's multiplayer modes.Color-Coded Multiplayer: Green for the Squirrel High Command and red for the Tediz.Capture the Flag: One of the game modes for the multiplayer.The Cameo: Cooper from Grabbed by the Ghoulies appears in one of the save slots for the remake of Bad Fur Day.Bloodier and Gorier: The Tediz in the remake have actual blood, even as cyborgs.BFG: The Demolisher has these including a bazooka and minigun.Batter Up!: Conker uses a baseball bat instead of a frying pan for most of the remake.

Art Evolution: The art in the Xbox remake has greatly evolved from the original game.Adjustable Censorship: After finishing the Bad Fur Day campaign, you can bleep out or uncensor the profanity of the multiplayer.Conker decides to use the baseball bat in place of the frying pan for the rest of the game. Conker then hits the gargoyle with a baseball bat he also picked up, which causes the gargoyle to get knocked back and crushed by a falling boulder. When Conker is confused about this, the gargoyle explains that the designers altered the tutorial area a little to trick players into thinking that the rest of the game will be different. Adaptational Weapon Swap: Conker initially uses the frying pan from the original game in the game's tutorial area, but when he uses it on the gargoyle, he doesn't fall off the bridge like he does in the original game.